Infection prevention control/WASH-(IPC/WASH)

  • Covid-19 //
  • Infection prevention control/WASH-(IPC/WASH)
Filename Action
COVID 19 Triage IPC SOPs for Health Workers v01.pdf
COVID-19 IPC and WASH Technical Guidelines for Communities and Camp-like settings-21062020-Final.pdf
Key Actions on Infection Prevention and Control for COVID 19 in Health Facilities-V2.pdf


The ministry of Health is conducting tracing of individuals who had contact with the COVID-19 cases. The government urges the public to strictly observe the rules of social distancing and other public health measures declared by the President of the Republic Of South Sudan and High Level Task-Force. Report any suspected case to nearest health facility or call toll free number: 6666. Continue to observe the instructions of Health Authorities particularly washing hands regularly with water and soap; maintaining physical distance from people (at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance between two individuals) and mandatory facemask or cloth face covering in public.

The Ministry of Health is an institution of government that works to maintain South Sudanese health by offering efficient medical facilities and humanitarian support.


Ministries Complex, Juba, South Sudan


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