Health prootion and education
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- Health prootion and education
Health promotion is part of an integrated approach to health development. Health is affected by a broad range of determinants – physical, socio-economic, biological, lifestyle, cultural, and environmental – all of which must be addressed in order to improve the long-term health and development of communities. The MoH recognises the role of health promotion as a way to give people the tools to better understand and improve their own health. It comprises a social and political process, to strengthen the skills of individuals and change social, environmental and economic conditions so as to ameliorate public and individual outcomes.
Recent activities include:
Supporting the Expanded Programme of Immunisation in creating awareness ofNational Immunisation Days.
Developing a comprehensive evidence-based strategy for polio.
Developing a comprehensive evidence-based strategy for polio
Conducting training for disease outbreak and risk communication for front-linecadres, with resultant risk communication plan for three states (Central Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Western Bahr al-Ghazal).
Building the capacity of front-line health workers in the implementation of healtheducation and promotion strategy.
Planned actions include:
Conduct knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) survey on child health andmaternal health issues.
Develop a health education and promotion strategy of implementation.
Develop, print and disseminate IEC materials (posters, billboards, flipcharts, flyers,) to all ten states.
Post health information billboards and posters in all towns.
Develop guidelines for Village Health Committees (VHCs) and Home HealthPromoters (HHPs).
Enhance outreach campaigns on all health issues through radio, TV and drama(e.g. for malaria, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, TB, etc.).