Health policy and planning

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  • Health policy and planning

The department leads and coordinates the development of national policies, plans and budgets for the health sector. This has included the Health Sector Development Plan 2012-2016, that sets out the medium-term strategic direction for the health sector, providing the framework that will guide the actions aligned interventions of all stakeholders over the next five years.

Functions include:

Leadership and coordination of the development of an operational plan for the

Improvement of the capacity for policy making and planning at national, stateand county levels.

The review and updating of national health policy.

The periodic review and revision of the basic package of health and nutrition.

Leadership and coordination of the budgeting process in the health sector.

Develop key sector guidelines to streamline the relationships and responsibilitiesbetween the MoH, state MoHs (SMoHs), county health departments (CHDs) and health facilities.

Develop and implement guidance for transitioning health programming from ahumanitarian to developmental focus, whilst maintaining an optimal balance between these approaches.

Develop a health financing strategy for the sector.

Lead and coordinate all health systems development initiatives, programmesand projects.