Human resource management

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The Major functions of the department include:

Formulation of HR policies and guidelines for the MoH, SMoHs, HR officers and health training institutions in the areas of training, professional development,recruitment, deployment and HR management.

Development of strategic and operational cost-indicative HR plans to be shared with HR officers and health training institutions for the implementation and monitoring of policies and plans.

Supervision of HR officers at state and lower levels, and provision of appropriate

Supervision of HR officers at state and lower levels, and provision of appropriate

Development of annual narrative reports to be shared with the MoH, partnersand stakeholders.

Recent activities include:

Developing the human resources information system (HRIS) and rolling-out across the states.

Managing payroll

Performing routine personnel administration procedures.

Planned actions include:

Develop a cost-indicative comprehensive annual work plan.

Produce annual report and share copies with partners and stakeholders.

Review and update the HR manual, HRH situation analysis, HRH popcy and then HRH strategic plan 2012-2016.

Roll out HRIS to all states, countries and payams.

Recruit and deploy HRH.


Generic activities to be undertaken within the first 72 hours

South Sudan has been affected by the recurrent public health emergencies, including cholera, measles, Meningitis, Rift Valley Fever(RVF) as well as yellow fever in different parts of the country.

The country was responding to different public health emergencies through the existing emergency coordination platforms: National Task Force (NTF), technical working groups(TWG) which constitute members from different government sectors, UN agencies and national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other partners.

To contribute to strengthening of national capacity for coordinating, the preparedness and response efforts, the Ministry of Health(MOH) of the Republic of South Sudan with support of the World Health Organization(WHO) established and officially inaugurated a public health emergency operation center (PHEOC) in October 2018. A PHEOC plays critical role in fulfilling the areas of emergency support functions of the nation, international Health Regulation (IHR-2005) obligations as well as the integrated Disease Surveillance and Response )IDSR) core functons.