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The Health Minister, Hon. Yolanda Awel Deng Juach Has Appealed To The Donor Community To Align Their Projects To The Ministry Of Health Priorities To Ensure Equal Access To The Most Needed Services In Every Part Of The Country. This Call Came While Officiating The COVID-19 Emergency Response And Health System Preparedness Additional Financing (CERHSP-AF) Technical Consultative Workshop In The Capital Juba On Tuesday.

This call came while officiating the COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health System Preparedness Additional Financing (CERHSP-AF) Technical Consultative Workshop in the capital Juba on Tuesday.

Hon. Awel emphasized that alignment of interventions to the existing government plans will reduce duplication of services and maximize impact and ensure services reach the intended beneficiaries.

“I urge all the health donors and implementing partners to align their plans to what has been designed already by the government. This is where the tax-payers’ money will not be wasted. It will also help avoid duplication of services across the country. as I speak to you now, there are over 300 NGOs doing the same activities in the same payams or counties, while there are some parts of the country that don’t have access to those services but when plans are aligned, services will be delivered accordingly” Hon Awel stressed.

Hon. Awel further called on investors and well-wishers to prioritize investing in the health sector.

“To the business community, individual well-wishers, community members and the politicians, please do your part. How will you do your part, it's just by investing in the health care sector. If you invest in our health sector, you are investing in the nation, stability, and the people who will be the next generation” said Hon. Awel.

For her part, UNICEF Representative Hamida Lasseko asked the participants to utilize the workshop for health partners and the government to continuously deliver essential health services to the local population.

“We should focus on collaborative responsibility in the health sector. These conversations should come up with very clear areas where we can improve and do better to make a difference.

“But our approach should be community-based interventions because that is where the Ministry of Health and UNICEF can strengthen those systems on the ground, in health facilities and for the people” said Hamida.

Minister of Health

The two days’ workshop is designed to discuss the selection process for health partners and implementation of CERHSP-AF during 2022. The meeting was well aimed to provide a platform for health partners and the government to share their lessons learned, achievements, challenges and the way forward.

Additionally, the training intends to provide a brainstorming session in a move to have an agreement on a roadmap for CERHSP AF implementation during 2023.

The World Bank Health Project for Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness is premised on strengthening the response to COVID-19, while consolidating health service delivery for the refugee and host communities in Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity states, as well as the Pibor and Reweng Administrative Areas.

The Ministry of Health is an institution of government that works to maintain South Sudanese health by offering efficient medical facilities and humanitarian support.


Ministries Complex, Juba, South Sudan


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